Supply Agreement Perishable Goods

Author: Accord Project

supplyagreement-perishable-goods@0.15.1 Contract ^0.21.4 5700896b0a9d7bf2a5fc8954e666ae866bf1e2bbdd6c4b231131d5cb2f720635

This supply agreement specifies penalties if the transport conditions (temperature and humidity) for a package are breached.

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Supply Agreement with Perishable Goods

This supply agreement specifies penalties if the transport conditions (temperature and humidity) for a package are breached.

Template Text

Supply Agreement

This SUPPLY AGREEMENT (together with all schedules attached hereto, the “Agreement”) is entered into as of 06/30/2099 (the “Execution Date”) between "SUPPLIER CORPORATION", a Delaware corporation (“Supplier”), having a principal place of business at 12345 Main Street, California 92705, and "BUYER CORPORATION", a company organized and existing under the laws of Delaware (“Purchaser”), with a place of business at 12345 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10001.

  1. Supply and Purchase of Products. The Supplier shall supply and the Purchaser shall purchase "Grade I, Size 4, Zutano Mexican Avocados" (the "Products", "Grade I, Size 4, Zutano Mexican Avocados") in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

  2. Orders 2.1. Purchase Orders. The Purchaser shall submit all orders for Products to the Supplier in writing to the Supplier's address listed in the introduction to this agreement, or as the Supplier otherwise specifies in writing, (each a "Purchase Order") and include in each Purchase Order (a) each Product it is ordering, identified by model or part number, (b) the amount of each Product it is ordering, (c) the unit price of each Product it is ordering, (d) the location for delivery, and (e) the delivery date, allowing reasonable time for the Supplier to receive, review, process the Purchase Order, and ship the Products (the "Delivery Date"). 2.2. Accepting, Modifying, and Rejecting Purchase Orders (a) By Notice. Within 2 Business Days' of receiving a Purchase Order from the Purchaser, the Supplier shall accept, reject, or propose a modification to the Purchase Order by sending the Purchaser written notice of its acceptance, rejection, or proposed modification. (b) Deemed Acceptance. If the Supplier fails to notify the Purchaser of its acceptance, rejection, or proposed modification, the Purchaser may deem that the Supplier accepted the Purchase Order. (c) Modification of Purchase Order. The Supplier may propose a modification to a Purchase Order by including in its notice to the Purchaser a modified Purchase Order for the Purchaser to accept or reject according to the acceptance and rejection procedures under paragraphs 2.2(a) and 2.2(b). 2.3. Canceling Purchase Orders. The Purchaser may, at no expense to itself, cancel part or all of a Purchase Order up to 10 Business Days before the Delivery Date.

  3. Delivery. The Supplier shall deliver the "Product" and title to the "Product" to the Purchaser on or before the Delivery Date, at the Delivery Address, using any applicable delivery method detailed in the "Annex A", attached to this agreement.

  4. Acceptance 5.1. Acceptance of Delivery. The Supplier will be deemed to have completed its delivery obligations if (a) in the Purchaser's opinion, the "Product" satisfies the Acceptance Criteria, and (b) the Purchaser notifies the Supplier in writing that it is accepting the "Product". 5.2. Inspection and Notice. The Purchaser will have 3 Business Days to inspect and evaluate the "Product" on the delivery date before notifying the Supplier that it is either accepting or rejecting the "Product". 5.3. Acceptance Criteria. The "Acceptance Criteria" are the specifications the "Product" must meet for the Supplier to comply with its requirements and obligations under this agreement, detailed in "Annex B", attached to this agreement.

  5. Pricing 6.1. Product Prices. The initial prices for all Products are set forth in Schedule A. All prices are FOB the Supplier's designated shipping point. 6.2. Updated Price List. The Supplier shall update its price list each calendar quarter and give Notice of the updated list to the Purchaser no later than 15 days before the end of each calendar quarter.

  6. Purchase Price. The Purchaser shall pay the Purchase Price to the Supplier 7.1. in full, 7.2. on delivery and the Purchaser's acceptance, 7.3. in immediately available funds, and 7.4. To the account the Supplier lists directly below: Account Number: "XXX-XX" Routing Number: "YYY-YY"

  7. Term 8.1. Initial Term. The initial term of this agreement begins on 04/02/2018 and will continue for 2 years, unless terminated earlier (the "Initial Term"). 8.2. Renewal Term by Notice. The Purchaser may renew this agreement for successive renewal terms of 1 years length ("Renewal Terms"), unless terminated earlier, by giving the Supplier notice of the intent to renew this agreement, at least 30 Business Days before the end of the Current Term. 8.3. Term Definition. "Term" means either the Initial Term or the then-current Renewal Term.

  8. Mutual Representations 9.1. Authority and Capacity. The parties have the authority and capacity to enter into this agreement. 9.2. Execution and Delivery. The parties have executed and delivered this agreement. 9.3. Enforceability. This agreement constitutes a legal, valid, and binding obligation, enforceable against the parties according to its terms. 9.4. No Conflicts. Neither party is under any restriction or obligation that may affect the performance of its obligations under this agreement.

  9. Limited Warranty 10.1. Warranty. The Purchaser warrants that the Products (a) will be free from material defects, (b) are made with workmanlike quality, and (c) will conform, within normal commercial tolerances, to the applicable specifications. 10.2. Replacement Products. Subject to paragraphs 10.3 and 10.4 directly below, the Purchaser's sole remedy for breach of this limited warranty will be the Supplier providing the Purchaser with a replacement Product, at the Supplier's sole expense. 10.3. Notice Requirement. The Supplier will only be required to replace Products under paragraph 10.2 if it receives written notice from the Purchaser of such defect or nonconformity within 90 days after delivery of the Products. 10.4. Exclusions. This warranty does not extend to any Product the Purchaser abuses, neglects, or misuses according to the applicable documentation or specifications, or to any Product the Purchaser has had repaired or altered by a Person other than the Supplier.

  10. Confidentiality 11.1. Confidentiality Obligation. The receiving party shall hold in confidence all Confidential Information disclosed by the disclosing party to the receiving party. 11.2. Use Solely for Purpose. A receiving party may only use the Confidential Information according to the terms of this agreement. 11.3. Non-Disclosure. The Purchaser may not disclose Confidential Information to any third party, except to the extent (a) permitted by this agreement, (b) the Supplier consents in writing, or (c) required by Law. 11.4. Notice. The Purchaser shall notify the Supplier if it (a) is required by Law to disclose any Confidential Information, or (b) learns of any unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information.

  11. Effect of Termination 12.1. Termination of Obligations. Subject to paragraph 12.2, on termination or expiration of this agreement, each party's rights and obligations under this agreement will cease immediately. 12.2. Payment Obligations. Even after termination or expiration of this agreement, each party shall (a) pay any amounts it owes to the other party, including payment obligations for services already rendered, work already performed, goods already delivered, or expenses already incurred, and (b) refund any payments received but not yet earned, including payments for services not rendered, work not performed, or goods not delivered, expenses forwarded. 12.3. No Further Liability. On termination or expiration of this agreement, neither party will be liable to the other party, except for liability (a) that arose before the termination or expiration of this agreement, or (b) arising after the termination or expiration of this agreement.

  12. Limitation on Liability. Neither party will be liable for breach-of-contract damages that are remote or speculative, or that the breaching party could not reasonably have foreseen on entry into this agreement.

  13. General Provisions 14.1. Entire Agreement. The parties intend that this agreement, together with all attachments, schedules, exhibits, and other documents that both are referenced in this agreement and refer to this agreement, (a) represent the final expression of the parties' intent relating to the subject matter of this agreement, (b) contain all the terms the parties agreed to relating to the subject matter, and (c) replace all of the parties' previous discussions, understandings, and agreements relating to the subject matter of this agreement. 14.2. Amendment. This agreement can be amended only by a writing signed by both parties. 14.3. Assignment. Neither party may assign this agreement or any of their rights or obligations under this agreement without the other party's written consent. 14.4. Notices (a) Method of Notice. The parties shall give all notices and communications between the parties in writing by (i) personal delivery, (ii) a nationally-recognized, next-day courier service, (iii) first-class registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, (iv) fax, or (v) electronic mail to the party's address specified in this agreement, or to the address that a party has notified to be that party's address for the purposes of this section. (b) Receipt of Notice. A notice given under this agreement will be effective on (i) the other party's receipt of it, or (ii) if mailed, the earlier of the other party's receipt of it and the fifth business day after mailing it. 14.5. Severability. If any part of this agreement is declared unenforceable or invalid, the remainder will continue to be valid and enforceable. 14.6. Waiver (a) Affirmative Waivers. Neither party's failure or neglect to enforce any rights under this agreement will be deemed to be a waiver of that party's rights. (b) Written Waivers. A waiver or extension is only effective if it is in writing and signed by the party granting it. (c) No General Waivers. A party's failure or neglect to enforce any of its rights under this agreement will not be deemed to be a waiver of that or any other of its rights. (d) No Course of Dealing. No single or partial exercise of any right or remedy will preclude any other or further exercise of any right or remedy. 14.7. Governing Law and Consent to Jurisdiction and Venue (a) Governing Law. This agreement, and any dispute arising out of the subject matter of the agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of NY. (b) Consent to Jurisdiction. Each party hereby irrevocably consents to the non-exclusive jurisdiction and venue of any state or federal court located within the State of NY, in connection with any matter arising out of this agreement or the transactions contemplated under this agreement. (c) Consent to Service. Each party hereby irrevocably (i) agrees that process may be served on it in any manner authorized by the Laws of the State of NY, and (ii) waives any objection which it might otherwise have to service of process under the Laws of the State of NY. 14.8. Counterparts (a) Signed in Counterparts. This agreement may be signed in any number of counterparts. (b) All Counterparts Original. Each counterpart is an original. (c) Counterparts Form One Document. Together, all counterparts form one single document.

Schedule A. "Grade I, Size 4, Zutano Mexican Avocados" 1.50 USD per KG

Annex A. Delivery Method Shipping containers used must be temperature and humidity controlled, and sensor readings must be logged at least 1 per hours.

Annex B. Acceptance Criteria The shipment must contain between 2995 and 3005 KG of "Grade I, Size 4, Zutano Mexican Avocados". Temperature readings for the shipment must be between 2°C and 13°C. Humidity readings for the shipment must be between 70% and 90%. Shipments that have a temperature or humidity reading outside the agreed range have a price penalty applied calculated using the Formula for Breach Penalty Calculation below. The breach penalty factor to be used is 0.2. Formula for Breach Penalty Calculation: penalty = number of shipment units x difference between sensor reading and agreed range x breach penalty factor

Supply Agreement

This SUPPLY AGREEMENT (together with all schedules attached hereto, the “Agreement”) is entered into as of 06/30/2099 (the “Execution Date”) between "SUPPLIER CORPORATION", a Delaware corporation (“Supplier”), having a principal place of business at 12345 Main Street, California 92705, and "BUYER CORPORATION", a company organized and existing under the laws of Delaware (“Purchaser”), with a place of business at 12345 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10001.

1. Supply and Purchase of Products. The Supplier shall supply and the Purchaser shall purchase "Grade I, Size 4, Zutano Mexican Avocados" (the "Products", "Grade I, Size 4, Zutano Mexican Avocados") in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

2. Orders
2.1. Purchase Orders. The Purchaser shall submit all orders for Products to the Supplier in writing to the Supplier's address listed in the introduction to this agreement, or as the Supplier otherwise specifies in writing, (each a "Purchase Order") and include in each Purchase Order
(a) each Product it is ordering, identified by model or part number,
(b) the amount of each Product it is ordering,
(c) the unit price of each Product it is ordering,
(d) the location for delivery, and
(e) the delivery date, allowing reasonable time for the Supplier to receive, review, process the Purchase Order, and ship the Products (the "Delivery Date").
2.2. Accepting, Modifying, and Rejecting Purchase Orders
(a) By Notice. Within 2 Business Days' of receiving a Purchase Order from the Purchaser, the Supplier shall accept, reject, or propose a modification to the Purchase Order by sending the Purchaser written notice of its acceptance, rejection, or proposed modification.
(b) Deemed Acceptance. If the Supplier fails to notify the Purchaser of its acceptance, rejection, or proposed modification, the Purchaser may deem that the Supplier accepted the Purchase Order.
(c) Modification of Purchase Order. The Supplier may propose a modification to a Purchase Order by including in its notice to the Purchaser a modified Purchase Order for the Purchaser to accept or reject according to the acceptance and rejection procedures under paragraphs 2.2(a) and 2.2(b).
2.3. Canceling Purchase Orders. The Purchaser may, at no expense to itself, cancel part or all of a Purchase Order up to 10 Business Days before the Delivery Date.

3. Delivery. The Supplier shall deliver the "Product" and title to the "Product" to the Purchaser on or before the Delivery Date, at the Delivery Address, using any applicable delivery method detailed in the "Annex A", attached to this agreement.

5. Acceptance
5.1. Acceptance of Delivery. The Supplier will be deemed to have completed its delivery obligations if
(a) in the Purchaser's opinion, the "Product" satisfies the Acceptance Criteria, and
(b) the Purchaser notifies the Supplier in writing that it is accepting the "Product".
5.2. Inspection and Notice. The Purchaser will have 3 Business Days to inspect and evaluate the "Product" on the delivery date before notifying the Supplier that it is either accepting or rejecting the "Product".
5.3. Acceptance Criteria. The "Acceptance Criteria" are the specifications the "Product" must meet for the Supplier to comply with its requirements and obligations under this agreement, detailed in "Annex B", attached to this agreement.

6.  Pricing
6.1.  Product Prices. The initial prices for all Products are set forth in Schedule A. All prices are FOB the Supplier's designated shipping point.
6.2.  Updated Price List. The Supplier shall update its price list each calendar quarter and give Notice of the updated list to the Purchaser no later than 15 days before the end of each calendar quarter.

7. Purchase Price. The Purchaser shall pay the Purchase Price to the Supplier
7.1. in full,
7.2. on delivery and the Purchaser's acceptance,
7.3. in immediately available funds, and
7.4. To the account the Supplier lists directly below:
Account Number: "XXX-XX"
Routing Number: "YYY-YY"

8. Term
8.1. Initial Term. The initial term of this agreement begins on 04/02/2018 and will continue for 2 years, unless terminated earlier (the "Initial Term").
8.2. Renewal Term by Notice. The Purchaser may renew this agreement for successive renewal terms of 1 years length ("Renewal Terms"), unless terminated earlier, by giving the Supplier notice of the intent to renew this agreement, at least 30 Business Days before the end of the Current Term.
8.3. Term Definition. "Term" means either the Initial Term or the then-current Renewal Term.

9. Mutual Representations
9.1. Authority and Capacity. The parties have the authority and capacity to enter into this agreement.
9.2. Execution and Delivery. The parties have executed and delivered this agreement.
9.3. Enforceability. This agreement constitutes a legal, valid, and binding obligation, enforceable against the parties according to its terms.
9.4. No Conflicts. Neither party is under any restriction or obligation that may affect the performance of its obligations under this agreement.

10. Limited Warranty
10.1. Warranty. The Purchaser warrants that the Products
(a) will be free from material defects, 
(b) are made with workmanlike quality, and 
(c) will conform, within normal commercial tolerances, to the applicable specifications.
10.2. Replacement Products. Subject to paragraphs 10.3 and 10.4 directly below, the Purchaser's sole remedy for breach of this limited warranty will be the Supplier providing the Purchaser with a replacement Product, at the Supplier's sole expense.
10.3. Notice Requirement. The Supplier will only be required to replace Products under paragraph 10.2 if it receives written notice from the Purchaser of such defect or nonconformity within 90 days after delivery of the Products.
10.4. Exclusions. This warranty does not extend to any Product the Purchaser abuses, neglects, or misuses according to the applicable documentation or specifications, or to any Product the Purchaser has had repaired or altered by a Person other than the Supplier.

11. Confidentiality
11.1. Confidentiality Obligation. The receiving party shall hold in confidence all Confidential Information disclosed by the disclosing party to the receiving party.
11.2. Use Solely for Purpose. A receiving party may only use the Confidential Information according to the terms of this agreement.
11.3. Non-Disclosure. The Purchaser may not disclose Confidential Information to any third party, except to the extent
(a) permitted by this agreement,
(b) the Supplier consents in writing, or
(c) required by Law.
11.4. Notice. The Purchaser shall notify the Supplier if it
(a) is required by Law to disclose any Confidential Information, or
(b) learns of any unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information.

12. Effect of Termination
12.1. Termination of Obligations. Subject to paragraph 12.2, on termination or expiration of this agreement, each party's rights and obligations under this agreement will cease immediately.
12.2. Payment Obligations. Even after termination or expiration of this agreement, each party shall
(a) pay any amounts it owes to the other party, including payment obligations for services already rendered, work already performed, goods already delivered, or expenses already incurred, and
(b) refund any payments received but not yet earned, including payments for services not rendered, work not performed, or goods not delivered, expenses forwarded.
12.3. No Further Liability. On termination or expiration of this agreement, neither party will be liable to the other party, except for liability
(a) that arose before the termination or expiration of this agreement, or
(b) arising after the termination or expiration of this agreement.

13. Limitation on Liability. Neither party will be liable for breach-of-contract damages that are remote or speculative, or that the breaching party could not reasonably have foreseen on entry into this agreement.

14. General Provisions
14.1. Entire Agreement. The parties intend that this agreement, together with all attachments, schedules, exhibits, and other documents that both are referenced in this agreement and refer to this agreement,
(a) represent the final expression of the parties' intent relating to the subject matter of this agreement,
(b)  contain all the terms the parties agreed to relating to the subject matter, and
(c) replace all of the parties' previous discussions, understandings, and agreements relating to the subject matter of this agreement.
14.2. Amendment. This agreement can be amended only by a writing signed by both parties.
14.3. Assignment. Neither party may assign this agreement or any of their rights or obligations under this agreement without the other party's written consent.
14.4. Notices
(a) Method of Notice. The parties shall give all notices and communications between the parties in writing by (i) personal delivery, (ii) a nationally-recognized, next-day courier service, (iii) first-class registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, (iv) fax, or (v) electronic mail to the party's address specified in this agreement, or to the address that a party has notified to be that party's address for the purposes of this section.
(b) Receipt of Notice. A notice given under this agreement will be effective on
(i) the other party's receipt of it, or
(ii) if mailed, the earlier of the other party's receipt of it and the fifth business day after mailing it. 
14.5. Severability. If any part of this agreement is declared unenforceable or invalid, the remainder will continue to be valid and enforceable.
14.6. Waiver
(a) Affirmative Waivers. Neither party's failure or neglect to enforce any rights under this agreement will be deemed to be a waiver of that party's rights.
(b) Written Waivers. A waiver or extension is only effective if it is in writing and signed by the party granting it.
(c) No General Waivers. A party's failure or neglect to enforce any of its rights under this agreement will not be deemed to be a waiver of that or any other of its rights.
(d) No Course of Dealing. No single or partial exercise of any right or remedy will preclude any other or further exercise of any right or remedy.
14.7. Governing Law and Consent to Jurisdiction and Venue
(a) Governing Law. This agreement, and any dispute arising out of the subject matter of the agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of NY.
(b) Consent to Jurisdiction. Each party hereby irrevocably consents to the non-exclusive jurisdiction and venue of any state or federal court located within the State of NY, in connection with any matter arising out of this agreement or the transactions contemplated under this agreement.
(c) Consent to Service. Each party hereby irrevocably
(i) agrees that process may be served on it in any manner authorized by the Laws of the State of NY, and
(ii) waives any objection which it might otherwise have to service of process under the Laws of the State of NY.
14.8. Counterparts
(a) Signed in Counterparts. This agreement may be signed in any number of counterparts.
(b) All Counterparts Original. Each counterpart is an original.
(c) Counterparts Form One Document. Together, all counterparts form one single document.

Schedule A.
"Grade I, Size 4, Zutano Mexican Avocados" 1.50 USD per KG

Annex A. Delivery Method
Shipping containers used must be temperature and humidity controlled, and sensor readings must be logged at least 1 per hours.

Annex B. Acceptance Criteria
The shipment must contain between 2995 and 3005 KG of "Grade I, Size 4, Zutano Mexican Avocados".
Temperature readings for the shipment must be between 2°C and 13°C.
Humidity readings for the shipment must be between 70% and 90%.
Shipments that have a temperature or humidity reading outside the agreed range have a price penalty applied calculated using the Formula for Breach Penalty Calculation below. The breach penalty factor to be used is 0.2.
Formula for Breach Penalty Calculation:
   penalty = number of shipment units x difference between sensor reading and agreed range x breach penalty factor
Supply Agreement

This SUPPLY AGREEMENT (together with all schedules attached hereto, the “Agreement”) is entered into as of {{dueDate}} (the “Execution Date”) between {{grower}}, a Delaware corporation (“Supplier”), having a principal place of business at 12345 Main Street, California 92705, and {{importer}}, a company organized and existing under the laws of Delaware (“Purchaser”), with a place of business at 12345 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10001.

1. Supply and Purchase of Products. The Supplier shall supply and the Purchaser shall purchase {{product}} (the "Products", {{shipment}}) in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

2. Orders
2.1. Purchase Orders. The Purchaser shall submit all orders for Products to the Supplier in writing to the Supplier's address listed in the introduction to this agreement, or as the Supplier otherwise specifies in writing, (each a "Purchase Order") and include in each Purchase Order
(a) each Product it is ordering, identified by model or part number,
(b) the amount of each Product it is ordering,
(c) the unit price of each Product it is ordering,
(d) the location for delivery, and
(e) the delivery date, allowing reasonable time for the Supplier to receive, review, process the Purchase Order, and ship the Products (the "Delivery Date").
2.2. Accepting, Modifying, and Rejecting Purchase Orders
(a) By Notice. Within 2 Business Days' of receiving a Purchase Order from the Purchaser, the Supplier shall accept, reject, or propose a modification to the Purchase Order by sending the Purchaser written notice of its acceptance, rejection, or proposed modification.
(b) Deemed Acceptance. If the Supplier fails to notify the Purchaser of its acceptance, rejection, or proposed modification, the Purchaser may deem that the Supplier accepted the Purchase Order.
(c) Modification of Purchase Order. The Supplier may propose a modification to a Purchase Order by including in its notice to the Purchaser a modified Purchase Order for the Purchaser to accept or reject according to the acceptance and rejection procedures under paragraphs 2.2(a) and 2.2(b).
2.3. Canceling Purchase Orders. The Purchaser may, at no expense to itself, cancel part or all of a Purchase Order up to 10 Business Days before the Delivery Date.

3. Delivery. The Supplier shall deliver the "Product" and title to the "Product" to the Purchaser on or before the Delivery Date, at the Delivery Address, using any applicable delivery method detailed in the "Annex A", attached to this agreement.

5. Acceptance
5.1. Acceptance of Delivery. The Supplier will be deemed to have completed its delivery obligations if
(a) in the Purchaser's opinion, the "Product" satisfies the Acceptance Criteria, and
(b) the Purchaser notifies the Supplier in writing that it is accepting the "Product".
5.2. Inspection and Notice. The Purchaser will have 3 Business Days to inspect and evaluate the "Product" on the delivery date before notifying the Supplier that it is either accepting or rejecting the "Product".
5.3. Acceptance Criteria. The "Acceptance Criteria" are the specifications the "Product" must meet for the Supplier to comply with its requirements and obligations under this agreement, detailed in "Annex B", attached to this agreement.

6.  Pricing
6.1.  Product Prices. The initial prices for all Products are set forth in Schedule A. All prices are FOB the Supplier's designated shipping point.
6.2.  Updated Price List. The Supplier shall update its price list each calendar quarter and give Notice of the updated list to the Purchaser no later than 15 days before the end of each calendar quarter.

7. Purchase Price. The Purchaser shall pay the Purchase Price to the Supplier
7.1. in full,
7.2. on delivery and the Purchaser's acceptance,
7.3. in immediately available funds, and
7.4. To the account the Supplier lists directly below:
Account Number: "XXX-XX"
Routing Number: "YYY-YY"

8. Term
8.1. Initial Term. The initial term of this agreement begins on 04/02/2018 and will continue for 2 years, unless terminated earlier (the "Initial Term").
8.2. Renewal Term by Notice. The Purchaser may renew this agreement for successive renewal terms of 1 years length ("Renewal Terms"), unless terminated earlier, by giving the Supplier notice of the intent to renew this agreement, at least 30 Business Days before the end of the Current Term.
8.3. Term Definition. "Term" means either the Initial Term or the then-current Renewal Term.

9. Mutual Representations
9.1. Authority and Capacity. The parties have the authority and capacity to enter into this agreement.
9.2. Execution and Delivery. The parties have executed and delivered this agreement.
9.3. Enforceability. This agreement constitutes a legal, valid, and binding obligation, enforceable against the parties according to its terms.
9.4. No Conflicts. Neither party is under any restriction or obligation that may affect the performance of its obligations under this agreement.

10. Limited Warranty
10.1. Warranty. The Purchaser warrants that the Products
(a) will be free from material defects, 
(b) are made with workmanlike quality, and 
(c) will conform, within normal commercial tolerances, to the applicable specifications.
10.2. Replacement Products. Subject to paragraphs 10.3 and 10.4 directly below, the Purchaser's sole remedy for breach of this limited warranty will be the Supplier providing the Purchaser with a replacement Product, at the Supplier's sole expense.
10.3. Notice Requirement. The Supplier will only be required to replace Products under paragraph 10.2 if it receives written notice from the Purchaser of such defect or nonconformity within 90 days after delivery of the Products.
10.4. Exclusions. This warranty does not extend to any Product the Purchaser abuses, neglects, or misuses according to the applicable documentation or specifications, or to any Product the Purchaser has had repaired or altered by a Person other than the Supplier.

11. Confidentiality
11.1. Confidentiality Obligation. The receiving party shall hold in confidence all Confidential Information disclosed by the disclosing party to the receiving party.
11.2. Use Solely for Purpose. A receiving party may only use the Confidential Information according to the terms of this agreement.
11.3. Non-Disclosure. The Purchaser may not disclose Confidential Information to any third party, except to the extent
(a) permitted by this agreement,
(b) the Supplier consents in writing, or
(c) required by Law.
11.4. Notice. The Purchaser shall notify the Supplier if it
(a) is required by Law to disclose any Confidential Information, or
(b) learns of any unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information.

12. Effect of Termination
12.1. Termination of Obligations. Subject to paragraph 12.2, on termination or expiration of this agreement, each party's rights and obligations under this agreement will cease immediately.
12.2. Payment Obligations. Even after termination or expiration of this agreement, each party shall
(a) pay any amounts it owes to the other party, including payment obligations for services already rendered, work already performed, goods already delivered, or expenses already incurred, and
(b) refund any payments received but not yet earned, including payments for services not rendered, work not performed, or goods not delivered, expenses forwarded.
12.3. No Further Liability. On termination or expiration of this agreement, neither party will be liable to the other party, except for liability
(a) that arose before the termination or expiration of this agreement, or
(b) arising after the termination or expiration of this agreement.

13. Limitation on Liability. Neither party will be liable for breach-of-contract damages that are remote or speculative, or that the breaching party could not reasonably have foreseen on entry into this agreement.

14. General Provisions
14.1. Entire Agreement. The parties intend that this agreement, together with all attachments, schedules, exhibits, and other documents that both are referenced in this agreement and refer to this agreement,
(a) represent the final expression of the parties' intent relating to the subject matter of this agreement,
(b)  contain all the terms the parties agreed to relating to the subject matter, and
(c) replace all of the parties' previous discussions, understandings, and agreements relating to the subject matter of this agreement.
14.2. Amendment. This agreement can be amended only by a writing signed by both parties.
14.3. Assignment. Neither party may assign this agreement or any of their rights or obligations under this agreement without the other party's written consent.
14.4. Notices
(a) Method of Notice. The parties shall give all notices and communications between the parties in writing by (i) personal delivery, (ii) a nationally-recognized, next-day courier service, (iii) first-class registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, (iv) fax, or (v) electronic mail to the party's address specified in this agreement, or to the address that a party has notified to be that party's address for the purposes of this section.
(b) Receipt of Notice. A notice given under this agreement will be effective on
(i) the other party's receipt of it, or
(ii) if mailed, the earlier of the other party's receipt of it and the fifth business day after mailing it. 
14.5. Severability. If any part of this agreement is declared unenforceable or invalid, the remainder will continue to be valid and enforceable.
14.6. Waiver
(a) Affirmative Waivers. Neither party's failure or neglect to enforce any rights under this agreement will be deemed to be a waiver of that party's rights.
(b) Written Waivers. A waiver or extension is only effective if it is in writing and signed by the party granting it.
(c) No General Waivers. A party's failure or neglect to enforce any of its rights under this agreement will not be deemed to be a waiver of that or any other of its rights.
(d) No Course of Dealing. No single or partial exercise of any right or remedy will preclude any other or further exercise of any right or remedy.
14.7. Governing Law and Consent to Jurisdiction and Venue
(a) Governing Law. This agreement, and any dispute arising out of the subject matter of the agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of NY.
(b) Consent to Jurisdiction. Each party hereby irrevocably consents to the non-exclusive jurisdiction and venue of any state or federal court located within the State of NY, in connection with any matter arising out of this agreement or the transactions contemplated under this agreement.
(c) Consent to Service. Each party hereby irrevocably
(i) agrees that process may be served on it in any manner authorized by the Laws of the State of NY, and
(ii) waives any objection which it might otherwise have to service of process under the Laws of the State of NY.
14.8. Counterparts
(a) Signed in Counterparts. This agreement may be signed in any number of counterparts.
(b) All Counterparts Original. Each counterpart is an original.
(c) Counterparts Form One Document. Together, all counterparts form one single document.

Schedule A.
{{shipment}} {{unitPrice}} per {{unit}}

Annex A. Delivery Method
Shipping containers used must be temperature and humidity controlled, and sensor readings must be logged at least {{sensorReadingFrequency}} per {{duration}}.

Annex B. Acceptance Criteria
The shipment must contain between {{minUnits}} and {{maxUnits}} {{unit}} of {{product}}.
Temperature readings for the shipment must be between {{minTemperature}}°C and {{maxTemperature}}°C.
Humidity readings for the shipment must be between {{minHumidity}}% and {{maxHumidity}}%.
Shipments that have a temperature or humidity reading outside the agreed range have a price penalty applied calculated using the Formula for Breach Penalty Calculation below. The breach penalty factor to be used is {{penaltyFactor}}.
Formula for Breach Penalty Calculation:
   penalty = number of shipment units x difference between sensor reading and agreed range x breach penalty factor
    "$class": "org.accordproject.perishablegoods.contract.SupplyAgreementPerishableGoodsContract",
    "grower": "resource:org.accordproject.perishablegoods.Grower#SUPPLIER%20CORPORATION",
    "importer": "resource:org.accordproject.perishablegoods.Importer#BUYER%20CORPORATION",
    "shipment": "resource:org.accordproject.perishablegoods.Shipment#Grade%20I,%20Size%204,%20Zutano%20Mexican%20Avocados",
    "dueDate": "2099-06-30T00:00:00.000+01:00",
    "unitPrice": {
        "$class": "",
        "doubleValue": 1.5,
        "currencyCode": "USD"
    "unit": "KG",
    "minUnits": 2995,
    "maxUnits": 3005,
    "product": "Grade I, Size 4, Zutano Mexican Avocados",
    "sensorReadingFrequency": 1,
    "duration": "hours",
    "minTemperature": 2,
    "maxTemperature": 13,
    "minHumidity": 70,
    "maxHumidity": 90,
    "penaltyFactor": 0.2,
    "contractId": "f75f15f6-3002-418c-9f84-c1d2ab8f61cc"

Template Model

 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

namespace org.accordproject.geo

import org.accordproject.address.PostalAddress from

concept GeoCoordinates {
  o PostalAddress address optional
  o String addressCountry optional
  o Double elevation optional
  o Double latitude optional
  o Double longitude optional

concept Place {
  o PostalAddress address optional
  o String branchCode optional
  o String faxNumber optional
  o GeoCoordinates geo optional
  o String globalLocationNumber optional
  o String mapUrl optional
  o String isicsV4 optional
  o String telephone optional

 * A country
concept Country {
  o String name
  o CountryCodeISOAlpha2 optional

enum CountryCodeISOAlpha2 {
   o AD	 // Andorra	1974	.ad	ISO 3166-2:AD	
   o AE	 // United Arab Emirates	1974	.ae	ISO 3166-2:AE	
   o AF	 // Afghanistan	1974	.af	ISO 3166-2:AF	
   o AG	 // Antigua and Barbuda	1974	.ag	ISO 3166-2:AG	
   o AI	 // Anguilla	1985	.ai	ISO 3166-2:AI	AI previously represented French Afar and Issas
   o AL	 // Albania	1974	.al	ISO 3166-2:AL	
   o AM	 // Armenia	1992	.am	ISO 3166-2:AM	
   o AO	 // Angola	1974	.ao	ISO 3166-2:AO	
   o AQ	 // Antarctica	1974	.aq	ISO 3166-2:AQ	Covers the territories south of 60° south latitude Code taken from name in French: Antarctique
   o AR	 // Argentina	1974	.ar	ISO 3166-2:AR	
   o AS	 // American Samoa	1974	.as	ISO 3166-2:AS	
   o AT	 // Austria	1974	.at	ISO 3166-2:AT	
   o AU	 // Australia	1974	.au	ISO 3166-2:AU	Includes the Ashmore and Cartier Islands and the Coral Sea Islands
   o AW	 // Aruba	1986	.aw	ISO 3166-2:AW	
   o AX	 // Åland Islands	2004	.ax	ISO 3166-2:AX	An autonomous province of Finland
   o AZ	 // Azerbaijan	1992	.az	ISO 3166-2:AZ	
   o BA	 // Bosnia and Herzegovina	1992	.ba	ISO 3166-2:BA	
   o BB	 // Barbados	1974	.bb	ISO 3166-2:BB	
   o BD	 // Bangladesh	1974	.bd	ISO 3166-2:BD	
   o BE	 // Belgium	1974	.be	ISO 3166-2:BE	
   o BF	 // Burkina Faso	1984	.bf	ISO 3166-2:BF	Name changed from Upper Volta (HV)
   o BG	 // Bulgaria	1974	.bg	ISO 3166-2:BG	
   o BH	 // Bahrain	1974	.bh	ISO 3166-2:BH	
   o BI	 // Burundi	1974	.bi	ISO 3166-2:BI	
   o BJ	 // Benin	1977	.bj	ISO 3166-2:BJ	Name changed from Dahomey (DY)
   o BL	 // Saint Barthélemy	2007	.bl	ISO 3166-2:BL	
   o BM	 // Bermuda	1974	.bm	ISO 3166-2:BM	
   o BN	 // Brunei Darussalam	1974	.bn	ISO 3166-2:BN	ISO country name follows UN designation (common name: Brunei)
   o BO	 // Bolivia, Plurinational State of	1974	.bo	ISO 3166-2:BO	ISO country name follows UN designation (common name and previous ISO country name: Bolivia)
   o BQ	 // Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba	2010	.bq	ISO 3166-2:BQ	Consists of three Caribbean "special municipalities", which are part of the Netherlands proper: Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba (the BES Islands) Previous ISO country name: Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba BQ previously represented British Antarctic Territory
   o BR	 // Brazil	1974	.br	ISO 3166-2:BR	
   o BS	 // Bahamas	1974	.bs	ISO 3166-2:BS	
   o BT	 // Bhutan	1974	.bt	ISO 3166-2:BT	
   o BV	 // Bouvet Island	1974	.bv	ISO 3166-2:BV	Belongs to Norway
   o BW	 // Botswana	1974	.bw	ISO 3166-2:BW	
   o BY	 // Belarus	1974	.by	ISO 3166-2:BY	Code taken from previous ISO country name: Byelorussian SSR (now assigned ISO 3166-3 code BYAA) Code assigned as the country was already a UN member since 1945[14]
   o BZ	 // Belize	1974	.bz	ISO 3166-2:BZ	
   o CA	 // Canada	1974	.ca	ISO 3166-2:CA	
   o CC	 // Cocos (Keeling) Islands	1974	.cc	ISO 3166-2:CC	
   o CD	 // Congo, the Democratic Republic of the	1997	.cd	ISO 3166-2:CD	Name changed from Zaire (ZR)
   o CF	 // Central African Republic	1974	.cf	ISO 3166-2:CF	
   o CG	 // Congo	1974	.cg	ISO 3166-2:CG	
   o CH	 // Switzerland	1974	.ch	ISO 3166-2:CH	Code taken from name in Latin: Confoederatio Helvetica
   o CI	 // Côte d'Ivoire	1974	.ci	ISO 3166-2:CI	ISO country name follows UN designation (common name: Ivory Coast)
   o CK	 // Cook Islands	1974	.ck	ISO 3166-2:CK	
   o CL	 // Chile	1974	.cl	ISO 3166-2:CL	
   o CM	 // Cameroon	1974	.cm	ISO 3166-2:CM	
   o CN	 // China	1974	.cn	ISO 3166-2:CN	
   o CO	 // Colombia	1974	.co	ISO 3166-2:CO	
   o CR	 // Costa Rica	1974	.cr	ISO 3166-2:CR	
   o CU	 // Cuba	1974	.cu	ISO 3166-2:CU	
   o CV	 // Cabo Verde	1974	.cv	ISO 3166-2:CV	
   o CW	 // Curaçao	2010	.cw	ISO 3166-2:CW	
   o CX	 // Christmas Island	1974	.cx	ISO 3166-2:CX	
   o CY	 // Cyprus	1974	.cy	ISO 3166-2:CY	
   o CZ	 // Czechia	1993	.cz	ISO 3166-2:CZ	Previous ISO country name: Czech Republic
   o DE	 // Germany	1974	.de	ISO 3166-2:DE	Code taken from name in German: Deutschland Code used for West Germany before 1990 (previous ISO country name: Germany, Federal Republic of)
   o DJ	 // Djibouti	1977	.dj	ISO 3166-2:DJ	Name changed from French Afar and Issas (AI)
   o DK	 // Denmark	1974	.dk	ISO 3166-2:DK	
   o DM	 // Dominica	1974	.dm	ISO 3166-2:DM	
   o DO	 // Dominican Republic	1974	.do	ISO 3166-2:DO	
   o DZ	 // Algeria	1974	.dz	ISO 3166-2:DZ	Code taken from name in Kabyle: Dzayer
   o EC	 // Ecuador	1974	.ec	ISO 3166-2:EC	
   o EE	 // Estonia	1992	.ee	ISO 3166-2:EE	Code taken from name in Estonian: Eesti
   o EG	 // Egypt	1974	.eg	ISO 3166-2:EG	
   o EH	 // Western Sahara	1974	.eh	ISO 3166-2:EH	Previous ISO country name: Spanish Sahara (code taken from name in Spanish: Sahara español)
   o ER	 // Eritrea	1993	.er	ISO 3166-2:ER	
   o ES	 // Spain	1974	.es	ISO 3166-2:ES	Code taken from name in Spanish: España
   o ET	 // Ethiopia	1974	.et	ISO 3166-2:ET	
   o FI	 // Finland	1974	.fi	ISO 3166-2:FI	
   o FJ	 // Fiji	1974	.fj	ISO 3166-2:FJ	
   o FK	 // Falkland Islands (Malvinas)	1974	.fk	ISO 3166-2:FK	ISO country name follows UN designation due to the Falkland Islands sovereignty dispute (local common name: Falkland Islands)[15]
   o FM	 // Micronesia, Federated States of	1986	.fm	ISO 3166-2:FM	Previous ISO country name: Micronesia
   o FO	 // Faroe Islands	1974	.fo	ISO 3166-2:FO	Code taken from name in Faroese: Føroyar
   o FR	 // France	1974	.fr	ISO 3166-2:FR	Includes Clipperton Island
   o GA	 // Gabon	1974	.ga	ISO 3166-2:GA	
   o GB	 // United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland	1974	.gb (.uk)	ISO 3166-2:GB	Code taken from Great Britain (from official name: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)[16] .uk is the primary ccTLD of the United Kingdom instead of .gb (see code UK, which is exceptionally reserved)
   o GD	 // Grenada	1974	.gd	ISO 3166-2:GD	
   o GE	 // Georgia	1992	.ge	ISO 3166-2:GE	GE previously represented Gilbert and Ellice Islands
   o GF	 // French Guiana	1974	.gf	ISO 3166-2:GF	Code taken from name in French: Guyane française
   o GG	 // Guernsey	2006	.gg	ISO 3166-2:GG	a British Crown dependency
   o GH	 // Ghana	1974	.gh	ISO 3166-2:GH	
   o GI	 // Gibraltar	1974	.gi	ISO 3166-2:GI	
   o GL	 // Greenland	1974	.gl	ISO 3166-2:GL	
   o GM	 // Gambia	1974	.gm	ISO 3166-2:GM	
   o GN	 // Guinea	1974	.gn	ISO 3166-2:GN	
   o GP	 // Guadeloupe	1974	.gp	ISO 3166-2:GP	
   o GQ	 // Equatorial Guinea	1974	.gq	ISO 3166-2:GQ	Code taken from name in French: Guinée équatoriale
   o GR	 // Greece	1974	.gr	ISO 3166-2:GR	
   o GS	 // South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands	1993	.gs	ISO 3166-2:GS	
   o GT	 // Guatemala	1974	.gt	ISO 3166-2:GT	
   o GU	 // Guam	1974	.gu	ISO 3166-2:GU	
   o GW	 // Guinea-Bissau	1974	.gw	ISO 3166-2:GW	
   o GY	 // Guyana	1974	.gy	ISO 3166-2:GY	
   o HK	 // Hong Kong	1974	.hk	ISO 3166-2:HK	
   o HM	 // Heard Island and McDonald Islands	1974	.hm	ISO 3166-2:HM	
   o HN	 // Honduras	1974	.hn	ISO 3166-2:HN	
   o HR	 // Croatia	1992	.hr	ISO 3166-2:HR	Code taken from name in Croatian: Hrvatska
   o HT	 // Haiti	1974	.ht	ISO 3166-2:HT	
   o HU	 // Hungary	1974	.hu	ISO 3166-2:HU	
   o ID	 // Indonesia	1974	.id	ISO 3166-2:ID	
   o IE	 // Ireland	1974	.ie	ISO 3166-2:IE	
   o IL	 // Israel	1974	.il	ISO 3166-2:IL	
   o IM	 // Isle of Man	2006	.im	ISO 3166-2:IM	a British Crown dependency
   o IN	 // India	1974	.in	ISO 3166-2:IN	
   o IO	 // British Indian Ocean Territory	1974	.io	ISO 3166-2:IO	
   o IQ	 // Iraq	1974	.iq	ISO 3166-2:IQ	
   o IR	 // Iran, Islamic Republic of	1974	.ir	ISO 3166-2:IR	ISO country name follows UN designation (common name: Iran)
   o IS	 // Iceland	1974	.is	ISO 3166-2:IS	Code taken from name in Icelandic: Ísland
   o IT	 // Italy	1974	.it	ISO 3166-2:IT	
   o JE	 // Jersey	2006	.je	ISO 3166-2:JE	a British Crown dependency
   o JM	 // Jamaica	1974	.jm	ISO 3166-2:JM	
   o JO	 // Jordan	1974	.jo	ISO 3166-2:JO	
   o JP	 // Japan	1974	.jp	ISO 3166-2:JP	
   o KE	 // Kenya	1974	.ke	ISO 3166-2:KE	
   o KG	 // Kyrgyzstan	1992	.kg	ISO 3166-2:KG	
   o KH	 // Cambodia	1974	.kh	ISO 3166-2:KH	Code taken from former name: Khmer Republic Previous ISO country name: Kampuchea
   o KI	 // Kiribati	1979	.ki	ISO 3166-2:KI	
   o KM	 // Comoros	1974	.km	ISO 3166-2:KM	Code taken from name in Comorian: Komori
   o KN	 // Saint Kitts and Nevis	1974	.kn	ISO 3166-2:KN	Previous ISO country name: Saint Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla
   o KP	 // Korea, Democratic People's Republic of	1974	.kp	ISO 3166-2:KP	ISO country name follows UN designation (common name: North Korea)
   o KR	 // Korea, Republic of	1974	.kr	ISO 3166-2:KR	ISO country name follows UN designation (common name: South Korea)
   o KW	 // Kuwait	1974	.kw	ISO 3166-2:KW	
   o KY	 // Cayman Islands	1974	.ky	ISO 3166-2:KY	
   o KZ	 // Kazakhstan	1992	.kz	ISO 3166-2:KZ	Previous ISO country name: Kazakstan
   o LA	 // Lao People's Democratic Republic	1974	.la	ISO 3166-2:LA	ISO country name follows UN designation (common name: Laos)
   o LB	 // Lebanon	1974	.lb	ISO 3166-2:LB	
   o LC	 // Saint Lucia	1974	.lc	ISO 3166-2:LC	
   o LI	 // Liechtenstein	1974	.li	ISO 3166-2:LI	
   o LK	 // Sri Lanka	1974	.lk	ISO 3166-2:LK	
   o LR	 // Liberia	1974	.lr	ISO 3166-2:LR	
   o LS	 // Lesotho	1974	.ls	ISO 3166-2:LS	
   o LT	 // Lithuania	1992	.lt	ISO 3166-2:LT	
   o LU	 // Luxembourg	1974	.lu	ISO 3166-2:LU	
   o LV	 // Latvia	1992	.lv	ISO 3166-2:LV	
   o LY	 // Libya	1974	.ly	ISO 3166-2:LY	Previous ISO country name: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
   o MA	 // Morocco	1974	.ma	ISO 3166-2:MA	Code taken from name in French: Maroc
   o MC	 // Monaco	1974	.mc	ISO 3166-2:MC	
   o MD	 // Moldova, Republic of	1992	.md	ISO 3166-2:MD	ISO country name follows UN designation (common name and previous ISO country name: Moldova)
   o ME	 // Montenegro	2006	.me	ISO 3166-2:ME	
   o MF	 // Saint Martin (French part)	2007	.mf	ISO 3166-2:MF	The Dutch part of Saint Martin island is assigned code SX
   o MG	 // Madagascar	1974	.mg	ISO 3166-2:MG	
   o MH	 // Marshall Islands	1986	.mh	ISO 3166-2:MH	
   o MK	 // Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of	1993	.mk	ISO 3166-2:MK	ISO country name follows UN designation (due to Macedonia naming dispute; official name used by country itself: Republic of Macedonia) Code taken from name in Macedonian: Makedonija
   o ML	 // Mali	1974	.ml	ISO 3166-2:ML	
   o MM	 // Myanmar	1989	.mm	ISO 3166-2:MM	Name changed from Burma (BU)
   o MN	 // Mongolia	1974	.mn	ISO 3166-2:MN	
   o MO	 // Macao	1974	.mo	ISO 3166-2:MO	Previous ISO country name: Macau
   o MP	 // Northern Mariana Islands	1986	.mp	ISO 3166-2:MP	
   o MQ	 // Martinique	1974	.mq	ISO 3166-2:MQ	
   o MR	 // Mauritania	1974	.mr	ISO 3166-2:MR	
   o MS	 // Montserrat	1974	.ms	ISO 3166-2:MS	
   o MT	 // Malta	1974	.mt	ISO 3166-2:MT	
   o MU	 // Mauritius	1974	.mu	ISO 3166-2:MU	
   o MV	 // Maldives	1974	.mv	ISO 3166-2:MV	
   o MW	 // Malawi	1974	.mw	ISO 3166-2:MW	
   o MX	 // Mexico	1974	.mx	ISO 3166-2:MX	
   o MY	 // Malaysia	1974	.my	ISO 3166-2:MY	
   o MZ	 // Mozambique	1974	.mz	ISO 3166-2:MZ	
   o NA	 // Namibia	1974	.na	ISO 3166-2:NA	
   o NC	 // New Caledonia	1974	.nc	ISO 3166-2:NC	
   o NE	 // Niger	1974	.ne	ISO 3166-2:NE	
   o NF	 // Norfolk Island	1974	.nf	ISO 3166-2:NF	
   o NG	 // Nigeria	1974	.ng	ISO 3166-2:NG	
   o NI	 // Nicaragua	1974	.ni	ISO 3166-2:NI	
   o NL	 // Netherlands	1974	.nl	ISO 3166-2:NL	
   o NO	 // Norway	1974	.no	ISO 3166-2:NO	
   o NP	 // Nepal	1974	.np	ISO 3166-2:NP	
   o NR	 // Nauru	1974	.nr	ISO 3166-2:NR	
   o NU	 // Niue	1974	.nu	ISO 3166-2:NU	
   o NZ	 // New Zealand	1974	.nz	ISO 3166-2:NZ	
   o OM	 // Oman	1974	.om	ISO 3166-2:OM	
   o PA	 // Panama	1974	.pa	ISO 3166-2:PA	
   o PE	 // Peru	1974	.pe	ISO 3166-2:PE	
   o PF	 // French Polynesia	1974	.pf	ISO 3166-2:PF	Code taken from name in French: Polynésie française
   o PG	 // Papua New Guinea	1974	.pg	ISO 3166-2:PG	
   o PH	 // Philippines	1974	.ph	ISO 3166-2:PH	
   o PK	 // Pakistan	1974	.pk	ISO 3166-2:PK	
   o PL	 // Poland	1974	.pl	ISO 3166-2:PL	
   o PM	 // Saint Pierre and Miquelon	1974	.pm	ISO 3166-2:PM	
   o PN	 // Pitcairn	1974	.pn	ISO 3166-2:PN	
   o PR	 // Puerto Rico	1974	.pr	ISO 3166-2:PR	
   o PS	 // Palestine, State of	1999	.ps	ISO 3166-2:PS	Previous ISO country name: Palestinian Territory, Occupied Consists of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
   o PT	 // Portugal	1974	.pt	ISO 3166-2:PT	
   o PW	 // Palau	1986	.pw	ISO 3166-2:PW	
   o PY	 // Paraguay	1974	.py	ISO 3166-2:PY	
   o QA	 // Qatar	1974	.qa	ISO 3166-2:QA	
   o RE	 // Réunion	1974	.re	ISO 3166-2:RE	
   o RO	 // Romania	1974	.ro	ISO 3166-2:RO	
   o RS	 // Serbia	2006	.rs	ISO 3166-2:RS	
   o RU	 // Russian Federation	1992	.ru	ISO 3166-2:RU	ISO country name follows UN designation (common name: Russia)
   o RW	 // Rwanda	1974	.rw	ISO 3166-2:RW	
   o SA	 // Saudi Arabia	1974	.sa	ISO 3166-2:SA	
   o SB	 // Solomon Islands	1974	.sb	ISO 3166-2:SB	Code taken from former name: British Solomon Islands
   o SC	 // Seychelles	1974	.sc	ISO 3166-2:SC	
   o SD	 // Sudan	1974	.sd	ISO 3166-2:SD	
   o SE	 // Sweden	1974	.se	ISO 3166-2:SE	
   o SG	 // Singapore	1974	.sg	ISO 3166-2:SG	
   o SH	 // Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha	1974	.sh	ISO 3166-2:SH	Previous ISO country name: Saint Helena
   o SI	 // Slovenia	1992	.si	ISO 3166-2:SI	
   o SJ	 // Svalbard and Jan Mayen	1974	.sj	ISO 3166-2:SJ	Consists of two arctic territories of Norway: Svalbard and Jan Mayen
   o SK	 // Slovakia	1993	.sk	ISO 3166-2:SK	SK previously represented Sikkim
   o SL	 // Sierra Leone	1974	.sl	ISO 3166-2:SL	
   o SM	 // San Marino	1974	.sm	ISO 3166-2:SM	
   o SN	 // Senegal	1974	.sn	ISO 3166-2:SN	
   o SO	 // Somalia	1974	.so	ISO 3166-2:SO	
   o SR	 // Suriname	1974	.sr	ISO 3166-2:SR	
   o SS	 // South Sudan	2011	.ss	ISO 3166-2:SS	
   o ST	 // Sao Tome and Principe	1974	.st	ISO 3166-2:ST	
   o SV	 // El Salvador	1974	.sv	ISO 3166-2:SV	
   o SX	 // Sint Maarten (Dutch part)	2010	.sx	ISO 3166-2:SX	The French part of Saint Martin island is assigned code MF
   o SY	 // Syrian Arab Republic	1974	.sy	ISO 3166-2:SY	ISO country name follows UN designation (common name: Syria)
   o SZ	 // Swaziland	1974	.sz	ISO 3166-2:SZ	
   o TC	 // Turks and Caicos Islands	1974	.tc	ISO 3166-2:TC	
   o TD	 // Chad	1974	.td	ISO 3166-2:TD	Code taken from name in French: Tchad
   o TF	 // French Southern Territories	1979	.tf	ISO 3166-2:TF	Covers the French Southern and Antarctic Lands except Adélie Land Code taken from name in French: Terres australes françaises
   o TG	 // Togo	1974	.tg	ISO 3166-2:TG	
   o TH	 // Thailand	1974	.th	ISO 3166-2:TH	
   o TJ	 // Tajikistan	1992	.tj	ISO 3166-2:TJ	
   o TK	 // Tokelau	1974	.tk	ISO 3166-2:TK	
   o TL	 // Timor-Leste	2002	.tl	ISO 3166-2:TL	Name changed from East Timor (TP)
   o TM	 // Turkmenistan	1992	.tm	ISO 3166-2:TM	
   o TN	 // Tunisia	1974	.tn	ISO 3166-2:TN	
   o TO	 // Tonga	1974	.to	ISO 3166-2:TO	
   o TR	 // Turkey	1974	.tr	ISO 3166-2:TR	
   o TT	 // Trinidad and Tobago	1974	.tt	ISO 3166-2:TT	
   o TV	 // Tuvalu	1977	.tv	ISO 3166-2:TV	
   o TW	 // Taiwan, Province of China	1974	.tw	ISO 3166-2:TW	Covers the current jurisdiction of the Republic of China ISO country name follows UN designation (due to political status of Taiwan within the UN)[16] (common name: Taiwan)
   o TZ	 // Tanzania, United Republic of	1974	.tz	ISO 3166-2:TZ	ISO country name follows UN designation (common name: Tanzania)
   o UA	 // Ukraine	1974	.ua	ISO 3166-2:UA	Previous ISO country name: Ukrainian SSR Code assigned as the country was already a UN member since 1945[14]
   o UG	 // Uganda	1974	.ug	ISO 3166-2:UG	
   o UM	 // United States Minor Outlying Islands	1986	.um	ISO 3166-2:UM	Consists of nine minor insular areas of the United States: Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Islands, Navassa Island, Palmyra Atoll, and Wake Island
   o US	 // United States of America	1974	.us	ISO 3166-2:US	
   o UY	 // Uruguay	1974	.uy	ISO 3166-2:UY	
   o UZ	 // Uzbekistan	1992	.uz	ISO 3166-2:UZ	
   o VA	 // Holy See	1974	.va	ISO 3166-2:VA	Covers Vatican City, territory of the Holy See Previous ISO country name: Vatican City State (Holy See)
   o VC	 // Saint Vincent and the Grenadines	1974	.vc	ISO 3166-2:VC	
   o VE	 // Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of	1974	.ve	ISO 3166-2:VE	ISO country name follows UN designation (common name and previous ISO country name: Venezuela)
   o VG	 // Virgin Islands, British	1974	.vg	ISO 3166-2:VG	
   o VI	 // Virgin Islands, U.S.	1974	.vi	ISO 3166-2:VI	
   o VN	 // Viet Nam	1974	.vn	ISO 3166-2:VN	ISO country name follows UN designation (common name: Vietnam) Code used for Republic of Viet Nam (Common Name:South Vietnam) before 1977
   o VU	 // Vanuatu	1980	.vu	ISO 3166-2:VU	Name changed from New Hebrides (NH)
   o WF	 // Wallis and Futuna	1974	.wf	ISO 3166-2:WF	
   o WS	 // Samoa	1974	.ws	ISO 3166-2:WS	Code taken from former name: Western Samoa
   o YE	 // Yemen	1974	.ye	ISO 3166-2:YE	Previous ISO country name: Yemen, Republic of Code used for North Yemen before 1990
   o YT	 // Mayotte	1993	.yt	ISO 3166-2:YT	
   o ZA	 // South Africa	1974	.za	ISO 3166-2:ZA	Code taken from name in Dutch: Zuid-Afrika
   o ZM	 // Zambia	1974	.zm	ISO 3166-2:ZM	
   o ZW	 // Zimbabwe	1980	.zw	ISO 3166-2:ZW	Name changed from Southern Rhodesia (RH)

Model Dependencies

Template Logic

Find the full logic for this template on on GitHub.

State Types

Type Sample JSON
    "$class": "org.accordproject.cicero.contract.AccordContractState",
    "stateId": "ee8525d0-f810-11ea-a002-4de7db836bda"

Request Types

Type Sample JSON
    "$class": "org.accordproject.perishablegoods.ShipmentReceived",
    "unitCount": 65414,
    "shipment": "resource:org.accordproject.perishablegoods.Shipment#9982",
    "transactionId": "ee84d7b0-f810-11ea-a002-4de7db836bda",
    "timestamp": "2020-09-16T12:36:59.307+01:00"

Response Types

Type Sample JSON
    "$class": "org.accordproject.perishablegoods.PriceCalculation",
    "totalPrice": {
        "$class": "",
        "doubleValue": 32.547,
        "currencyCode": "PKR"
    "penalty": {
        "$class": "",
        "doubleValue": 249.1,
        "currencyCode": "TWD"
    "late": false,
    "shipment": "resource:org.accordproject.perishablegoods.Shipment#0708",
    "transactionId": "ee84fec0-f810-11ea-a002-4de7db836bda",
    "timestamp": "2020-09-16T12:36:59.308+01:00"

Events Types

Type Sample JSON
    "abstract": "this is an abstract type"

Technical Integration

Please refer to the Cicero documentation for details and examples of how to integrate a call to a Cicero template into your application.

View the Latest code for this template on GitHub.