Company Information

company-information@0.2.1 Clause ^0.21.0 3765ad87766276f2e24e103fb3aecf4a9caf1c28ed0076d2e041a9c612e55675

Gather company information

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This is a template to gather high-level information about a company.

Template Text

Name: "Example Corp."

Industry: "Healthcare"

Website: ""


Street: "1 Main Street"
City: "Portland"
State: "ME"
Zip Code: "12345"
Country: "USA"

Number of Employees: 250

Name: "Example Corp."

Industry: "Healthcare"

Website: ""

### Address
Street: "1 Main Street"\
City: "Portland"\
State: "ME"\
Zip Code: "12345"\
Country: "USA"

Number of Employees: 250
Name: {{name}}

Industry: {{industry}}

Website: {{website}}

### Address
{{#with address}}Street: {{streetAddress}}\
City: {{addressLocality}}\
State: {{addressRegion}}\
Zip Code: {{postalCode}}\
Country: {{addressCountry}}{{/with}}

Number of Employees: {{numberOfEmployees}}
    "$class": "org.accordproject.companyinformation.CompanyInformation",
    "name": "Example Corp.",
    "industry": "Healthcare",
    "website": "",
    "address": {
        "$class": "org.accordproject.address.PostalAddress",
        "streetAddress": "1 Main Street",
        "postalCode": "12345",
        "addressRegion": "ME",
        "addressLocality": "Portland",
        "addressCountry": "USA"
    "numberOfEmployees": 250,
    "clauseId": "e446fd96-002f-499c-a1d5-1b4b43df9724"

Template Model

namespace org.accordproject.companyinformation

import org.accordproject.cicero.contract.* from
import org.accordproject.cicero.runtime.* from
import org.accordproject.address.PostalAddress from

asset CompanyInformation extends AccordClause {
    o String name
    o String industry
    o String website
    o PostalAddress address
    o Integer numberOfEmployees

Model Dependencies

Template Logic

Find the full logic for this template on on GitHub.

State Types

Type Sample JSON

Request Types

Type Sample JSON

Response Types

Type Sample JSON

Events Types

Type Sample JSON

Technical Integration

Please refer to the Cicero documentation for details and examples of how to integrate a call to a Cicero template into your application.

View the Latest code for this template on GitHub.